Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy New Year

We hope everyone is having a great start to a new year.

I sat and thought about Auviana and how far we've come in the past year and a half.  I can't believe the support and love that we've felt from all of our Facebook fans and Etsy Customers.  We've been so blessed to have over 1200 fans on facebook and are so thankful for every one of our fans.  We love hearing feed back on creations, it helps us move forward.  We have met so many amazing people this past year.  People who inspired us, taught us, and helped us grow....and we are so proud to be able to them our friends!

Speaking of moving forward, we have some big plans for Auviana this coming year.  Actually thinking about 2011 - it looks like its going to be a busy year in our personal lives as well.  But Auviana has a new branch we are thinking of sprouting.  Something along the lines of personalization....don't want to reveal to much ;) We will keep you all posted on that when we know what we are doing lol

on to some new creations...

Took me several days but i've finally finished a few of the pocket watch pendants.

New Beginnings pocket watch.
I submitted this pocket watch into a contest - hopefully we will win ;)
I'll keep you posted...

Available for purchase:

Pocket watch nest - i actually won a contest with this pendant.

Available for purchase:

Pocket watch pendant - Wanders

Available for purchase:

I will have a couple more pocket watches a'cookin soon. 

All of our items are listed on in our Etsy shop:

Want to be apart of the fun on facebook?

Oh, were on twitter as well:

Thanks for reading...


  1. Those are awesome! Very steampunky. Happy New Year! Hope it's a great one.

  2. Thanks Alexis! Glad you like them.

    Happy new year to you as well!

  3. Hi, I have nominated you for the Stylish Blogger Award and also am now your newest blog follower. Click below to read about your award get your award button.

  4. HI THERE!
    thank you so much for reading :)
    and thank you so much for the stylish blogger award!

    I am actually going into surgery this morning but i will ad the picture and rules probably tomorrow after i'm done recovering from today's events :)

    Thank you :D
